I'm the guy next door you're dying to hang out with. Generous and thoughtful at times and a complete duche bag at the same time. But thats why people love and yet hate me. I'm well traveled and open-minded to everything. I feel like I'm getting old though. I get really irritated when people aren't more like me. Why is that?? I feel like this world is coming to an end soon. With all this drama, I think God is sitting back and saying to himself: "I don't think I like this canvas I created. Let me start from scratch." I wouldn't necessarily disagree with him there, but then again I don't think he would ask me 4 my opinion. Thats why I have decided that I will live my life everyday like it's my last. Never look back and do my part to make this a better place for whomever is coming next. I hope its my children and their children's children. There used to be a time when great leaders would lead with great wisdom and determination. As the great ones leave us, who's to replace them?? I can't think of a single person right now who could fill those shoes. We are in desperate need of wisdom. I pray that someone will find the courage and calling to make this World a more peaceful and caring place. (Yes I'm most certainly talking to u Obama.)