THE Zodiacal Sign of Aquarius commences on January 21st, but for seven days, being overlapped by the "cusp" of the previous sign, it does not come into full power until on or about January 28th. From this date onward it can not take its full strength until February 19th and is then for seven days gradually losing its strength on account of becoming overlapped by the "cusp" of the incoming sign Pisces. Those born people who were born in such "cusp" usually take from the qualities of both signs. These natures generally tend to feel very lonely in life. They are over-sensitive, and easily wounded in their feelings. AQUARIANS have great desire for material gain, but are not greedy. They are tireless workers and are willing to work for what they want, and do not demand more than their fair share. They read character instinctively, and for this reason they "see through" people too easily to be really happy. People who were born in February are not demonstrative in affection, but feel very deeply. They are usually high-strung, and their nerves are generally overwrought. This people often lose control and then say or do things that they bitterly regret later. They are generally very active for the public good, and often give all they have to relieve the distress of others. They are good thinkers, and are very successful when it comes to debate and argument, and difficult to convince. They are excellent in business and finance when they apply their minds to such things, but u