Who I am however, is that guy who finds joy and comfort in real human interactions. In a world where "social media" is more anti-social at heart, reducing individuals to bites and blogs, I accept that it is only in face-to-face encounters that the true measure of a person can be discerned. So, after the visual compatibility test has been passed which for me is where it all begins, I'm ready to take the leap into being discovered in real world environments. What I'm looking for is someone who have the tIMe to relax and enjoy this ride called life. Let's label it companionship with long term commitment being the reward. Whether we spend tIMe out enjoying what the city has to offer or in enjoying pool (I have a 9" table or board game, chatting), life is about living. For me, life is better lived with someone who can add value to it through shared experiences. Btw, I have traveled to Addis 3x and stayed at the Bishoftu resort. The only woman I would consider marrying or dating is Ethiopian. I've almost made it down the aisle twice; I'm hoping the 3rd tIMe is a charm. More on those stories later. They include 2 rings; one a wedding ring and one engagement ring in that order. Life is funny that way.