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Addis Ababa, Addis Ababa
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In their own words

Creative writer and poet. The only thing I'm missing is you.

Who I am however, is that guy who finds joy and comfort in real human interactions. In a world where "social media" is more anti-social at heart, reducing individuals to bites and blogs, I accept that it is only in face-to-face encounters that the true measure of a person can be discerned. So, after the visual compatibility test has been passed which for me is where it all begins, I'm ready to take the leap into being discovered in real world environments. What I'm looking for is someone who have the tIMe to relax and enjoy this ride called life. Let's label it companionship with long term commitment being the reward. Whether we spend tIMe out enjoying what the city has to offer or in enjoying pool (I have a 9" table or board game, chatting), life is about living. For me, life is better lived with someone who can add value to it through shared experiences. Btw, I have traveled to Addis 3x and stayed at the Bishoftu resort. The only woman I would consider marrying or dating is Ethiopian. I've almost made it down the aisle twice; I'm hoping the 3rd tIMe is a charm. More on those stories later. They include 2 rings; one a wedding ring and one engagement ring in that order. Life is funny that way.

Best Feature
I'll tell you later
5'  9"   (175 cm)
Family Roots
Black / African descent
My Lifestyle
Has Kids
Wants Kids
Some College
I'll tell you later
Does Not Matter
What languages do you speak?
Favorite Music
Favorite Actors
Denzel Washington, Deniro, Pacino, Samuel L. Jackson
Favorite Actresses
Angela Bassett
Favorite Artists
Nancy Wilson, Miles Davis, Herbie Hancock, Louie Armstrong
Favorite Athletes
Those that support their communities (Lebron for example)
Favorite Authors
Cheik Anta Diop, George G.M. James, John Henry Clarke, Malcolm Gladwell, Ivan Van Sertima
Favorite Bands
Favorite Hangouts
Outside of America
Favorite Books
Stolen Legacy: See above authors
Favorite Cities
Addis Ababa, Angeles City & Manila, Kuala Lumpur, Pattaya
Favorite Clothing Stores
Neiman Marcus
Favorite Colors
White, Cream, tan, blue (shirts)
Favorite Country
Favorite Drinks
Favorite Fashion Designers
Favorite Fast Foods
Favorite Magazines
Don't read.
Favorite Dramas
Don't watch
Favorite Horror Movies
Vampire genre
Favorite News Anchor
Favorite Night Clubs
HiSo in Angeles City, Philippines
Favorite Place To Be Kissed
Favorite Plays
Most recent is favorite: Angry, Raucous and Shamelessly Gorgeous
Favorite Politicians
Favorite Sports Teams
Favorite Restaurants
Piassa, (memory block...)
Favorite Sports
Favorite Stocks
Mutual funds
Favorite TV Comedies
Don't watch.
Favorite TV Dramas
Don't watch.
Favorite TV News Sources
Don't watch.
Favorite Foods
Chicken, fish, plantains
Favorite Styles Of Music
Jass, blues, afro beats, raggae
Dress Average
Energy Very High
Go Party Rarely
Religion Not a Part At All
Neatness Super Neat
Punctuality Always Early
Spending Average
Work Ethic Driven
Describe the perfect evening.
Starts with being on time to meet with both of us experiencing something new and enjoyable together. That could be a movie, theater opening or restaurant etc. It always ends great with a confirmation of bonding through physical intimacy enveloped in each other.
Describe your perfect weekend.
See above. My joy is best expressed and experienced by bringing fulfillment and happiness to my mate.
Do you believe in love at first sight?
Yes, as the fuel that gives energy to ignite the emotions that should later drive the relationship to finding mutual compatibility. But love is never enough. I would say it is only a minor factor in the establishment of a successful togetherness. I will accept commitment over love in any relationship.
How many kids would you like to have?
I will defer to my mate on additional kids. My children are adults at the stage so if I have any others it will be to please her.
How important is someone's physical appearance to you?
Very. For me it all begin with the outer shell. If the outer shell does not move or inspire me it doesn't matter how beautiful she is on the inside because I will never delve that deeply. I'm looking for someone who's outer appearance captures my ideal of beauty and whose inner beauty exceeds that and never wanes. Sure, time with gravity will ravage and take it's toll on what's on the outside but the beauty of my mate must reflect the beauty I see in the world and be the reflection of what the world oftentimes lack.
If you could have one super power, what would it be and why?
I would like to be able to read minds and intentions. That way I could prevent many ills in the world committed by people before that happen.
What is the purpose of marriage?
The purpose is to bring children into this world with the express purpose of raising them to become self-functioning adults who can transmit the best cultural standards of society while improving the condition of mankind with whatever abilities, gifts and talents they acquire during life's journey.
What is the most important lesson that you've learned?
The most important lesson I've learned is that I can only control me and my environment.
What do your friends like about you most?
They know I know the meaning of being a friend based upon our history.
What do your friends tease you about the most?
They tease me about how
What gets on your nerves?
Refer to above. My major pet peeves are being late, anything out of order as I'm clinically OCD, and people not doing what they say or saying what they mean.
What is the most important thing in a relationship?
Refer above. The most important thing(s) in a relationship with me is phrased: My main expectation is doing what you say and what we agree to. Add these 4Cs: Compatibility, Communication, Compromise and Commitment and for me that is the recipe for a successful union.
What's the best age to get married?
I would not say there is a best age for marriage. I would say there are experiences that should ideally be had which should better determine when someone should or should not get married.
What turns you off?
Turn offs are: makeup besides lipstick and eyeliner. I like natural beauty so anything artificial will not work. Extensions and fake hair are major turnoffs. So are fake breasts, buttocks and anything artificially enhanced.
What turns you on?
Major turn ons are naturally beautiful women from the Horn of Africa with emphasis on Ethiopia. I love natural long hair, swarthy complexion as well has the lighter, slender frame, traditional and humble women.
What do you hope to be doing five years from now?
Since I'm officially retired now, I hope to have an Ethiopian mate that enjoys traveling when not at home pampering each other. In other words my biggest 5 year goal is fun with the love of my life. The only thing I'm missing is you since life at this moment is not very fun without you.
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